Ada banyak cara untuk menghasilkan uang di dunia saat ini, dan menggunakan teknologi canggih dapat lebih mudah. Salah satu metode ini adalah penambangan mata uang terenkripsi. Ini adalah jenis mata uang tambang enkripsi. Karena mata uang yang dienkripsi dienkripsi, setiap koin memiliki kode sendiri. Oleh karena itu, penambangan adalah proses mendekripsi oleh komputer. Sayangnya, unit ini memiliki banyak kendala. Banyak dari ini karena persyaratan tinggi untuk peralatan dan konsumsi energi yang tinggi.
Proyek BITTECH adalah perusahaan teknologi global. Tugas utamanya adalah menciptakan kondisi yang menguntungkan untuk penambangan dan menjadikannya sah, sederhana dan dapat diandalkan.
Individu dan perusahaan menghadapi banyak masalah.
Larangan Legislatif Nasional
Kurangnya infrastruktur yang dapat diakses
Fitur-fitur iklim di bidang keberadaan
Biaya pemeliharaan dan pemeliharaan peralatan tinggi
Kurangnya staf profesional
Solusi ini disediakan oleh BITTECH.
Peralatan berkualitas tinggi dengan garansi yang diperpanjang
Biaya rendah
Mulai cepat, hanya 24 jam
Legalitas dan legalitas hukum
Pakar top, dukungan 24 jam
BITTECH didirikan pada tahun 2017 dan mengembangkan penambang dan layanan global berbiaya rendah. Kantor pusat kami di Hong Kong. Saat ini, BITTECH berencana untuk membuka empat pusat pemrosesan data besar di Islandia, Estonia, Kanada dan Rusia dengan setidaknya 7.000 penambang. Setiap pusat data disiapkan secara profesional untuk penempatan penambangan.
Keuntungan dari proyek ini adalah BITTECH adalah yang terbaik di kelasnya. Selain ditempatkan di pusat data untuk kontrak layanan, pengguna dapat terhubung ke saluran leased melalui dedicated IP.
Token BTECH dan rincian ICO
Token BITTECH (BTECH) adalah aset digital yang memberi pemilik hak untuk membeli penambang BITTECH generasi baru berdasarkan chip terbaru dengan teknologi 10 dan 14 nm.
Pemegang token memiliki kesempatan untuk:
Tukarkan token pada pertukaran penambang Bittech untuk biaya
Pertukaran 30% kontrak layanan diskon
Bertukar dari Bittech Big One
Token token: BTECH
PreICO akan dimulai pada 20 Juni 2018.
Biaya Token: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Bonus hanya ditawarkan selama periode pra-penjualan dan tergantung pada jumlah investasi.
10.000 $ - 10% dari bonus
Bonus 30.000 hingga 20%
Bonus $ 50.000 hingga 30%
100.000 $ ~ 40% dari bonus
Investasi minimum adalah $ 100.
Mata uang yang diterima: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum
Soft cap - $ 1500000
Hard cap - $ 5000000
Periode ICO: 20 Agustus 2018 - 20 Oktober 2018.
Biaya Token: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Investasi minimum: 1 token.
Mata uang yang diterima: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum.
Hard cap: $ 100 juta
Semoga informasi di atas bermanfaat untuk kita semua.
Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018
Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018
In today's world, there are quite a number of ways to make money, and with the use of sophisticated modern technology, this becomes easier. One such method is crypto currency mining. This is a kind of crypto mining currency. Because crypto currencies are encryption, each coin has its own code. So, mining is the process of decoding by the computer. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles in this lesson. Much of this is due to high requirements for equipment and high energy consumption.
The BITTECH project is a global technology company. Its main mission is to create favorable conditions for mining, and to make it a legal, simple and reliable way to generate revenue.
Individuals and companies face a number of problems:
Legislative restrictions in countries
Lack of accessible infrastructure
Climate features in the presence area
High equipment costs and maintenance issues
Lack of professional staff
The solution offered by BITTECH:
High quality equipment with extended warranty
Affordable cost
Start fast, only 24 hours
Full legality and legitimacy for legislation
Top-notch specialists, support 24 hours
BITTECH Company was established in 2017 and develops affordable miners and global services. The head office is in Hong Kong. Currently, BITTECH plans to open four large data processing centers: in Iceland, Estonia, Canada and Russia with a capacity of at least 7,000 miners. Each data center is a site that is professionally prepared to place miners.
The advantage of this project is that BITTECH is the best in its class. Users will be able to place in the data center for service contracts, as well as connect to leased channels via dedicated IP.
Token BTECH and ICO details
Token BITTECH (BTECH) is a digital asset that gives holders the right to buy a new generation of BITTECH miners on the basis of modern chips with 10 and 14nm technical processes.
The token owner will have the opportunity to:
Exchange tokens on the Bittech miner line for a fee
redeem a service contract with a 30% discount
exchange at Bittech Big One
Token Token: BTECH
PreICO starts on June 20, 2018.
Token fee: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Bonus is only given during the pre-sale period and will depend on the amount of investment:
from 10,000 $ - 10% of the bonus
from 30,000 $ - 20% of the bonus
from 50,000 $ - 30% of the bonus
from 100000 $ - 40% of the bonus
The minimum investment is 100 USD.
Currency received: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum
Soft-stamp - $ 1500,000
Hard-cap - $ 500,000
ICO Period: 20 August 2018 - 20 October 2018.
Token fee: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Minimum investment: 1 token.
Currency received: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum.
Hard Cap: $ 100,000,000
Token distribution and use of funds.
Tim project
For further information, please visit our official website here
By: kejodak
The BITTECH project is a global technology company. Its main mission is to create favorable conditions for mining, and to make it a legal, simple and reliable way to generate revenue.
Individuals and companies face a number of problems:
Legislative restrictions in countries
Lack of accessible infrastructure
Climate features in the presence area
High equipment costs and maintenance issues
Lack of professional staff
The solution offered by BITTECH:
High quality equipment with extended warranty
Affordable cost
Start fast, only 24 hours
Full legality and legitimacy for legislation
Top-notch specialists, support 24 hours
BITTECH Company was established in 2017 and develops affordable miners and global services. The head office is in Hong Kong. Currently, BITTECH plans to open four large data processing centers: in Iceland, Estonia, Canada and Russia with a capacity of at least 7,000 miners. Each data center is a site that is professionally prepared to place miners.
The advantage of this project is that BITTECH is the best in its class. Users will be able to place in the data center for service contracts, as well as connect to leased channels via dedicated IP.
Token BTECH and ICO details
Token BITTECH (BTECH) is a digital asset that gives holders the right to buy a new generation of BITTECH miners on the basis of modern chips with 10 and 14nm technical processes.
The token owner will have the opportunity to:
Exchange tokens on the Bittech miner line for a fee
redeem a service contract with a 30% discount
exchange at Bittech Big One
Token Token: BTECH
PreICO starts on June 20, 2018.
Token fee: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Bonus is only given during the pre-sale period and will depend on the amount of investment:
from 10,000 $ - 10% of the bonus
from 30,000 $ - 20% of the bonus
from 50,000 $ - 30% of the bonus
from 100000 $ - 40% of the bonus
The minimum investment is 100 USD.
Currency received: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum
Soft-stamp - $ 1500,000
Hard-cap - $ 500,000
ICO Period: 20 August 2018 - 20 October 2018.
Token fee: 1 BTECH = 1 USD
Minimum investment: 1 token.
Currency received: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum.
Hard Cap: $ 100,000,000
Token distribution and use of funds.
Tim project
For further information, please visit our official website here
By: kejodak
Btt:;u=2016142 |
Eth: 0xd8F5b730DFedEeC27999EbC8dA32F3b93fD2F208 |
Minggu, 06 Mei 2018
As you have seen, cryptocurrency is a digital currency created and managed through the use of advanced encryption techniques known as cryptography.
We are building the Most Sustainable and a Complete Trade and Investment Ecosystem for Coins to be Used (Kachingcoins). Our aim is to create the most money available in Blockchain.
Many ICO investors neglect to see an ICO as an IPO. An ICO “Initial Coin Offering” and an IPO, “Initial Public Offering”, is similar in many ways. When a company goes public with an IPO, before you invest, you would research the company. You would look at the stakeholders (Founders), the company’s assets, its market share, growth potential and much more. It seems like most people forget that when looking at ICO’s, they are blinded by the whole “Get Rich Quick” trend, and thus they ignorantly invest in ICO-Traps.
We are building the Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem for our Coin (Kachingcoins) to be utilized. Our goal is to also create the most Utilizable coin on Blockchain. Not only will we have a Social Trading Platform (Kaching.Global) where traders can use their kachingcoins (KAC) to trade Forex, Stocks, Indices, Energy, Agriculture, Crypto and Precious Metal, but we will also have a Broker (Kachin.Market), a Crypto Currency Exchange (Kaching.Exchange), Finance and Trading Academies (Kaching.Education), R&D Labs (Kaching.Tech) and in the future, many more! Through utilizing our coin in our ecosystem in any of the components, we create a stable and constant supply and demand. Creating a strong supply and demand for a coin in a market of 5.3 Trillion US dollars creates immense value for our coin.
In a recent interview with Vitalik Buterin done at the ETHWaterloo hackathon held in Canada, he stated that more than 80% of ICO’s or ERC20 tokens launched on the Ethereum Platform will most likely fail. One of the major reasons for this failure is the lack of a sustainable business model (Ecosystem and no way to really utilize the coin in the ecosystem. Having a solid understanding of what Buterin said, Kaching has managed to design and create the perfect ecosystem for Kachingcoins.
Consider fiat currency, the time of the gold standard has been long gone, and the only reason fiat currency has got value is believe it has value, supply demand, and of course, a marketplace where it can be utilized. For a token or ICO to be sustainable it needs a few key underlying uses to be valuable. It needs a strong Ecosystem, a marketplace where the coin can be utilized, not just strong, but also large. Kaching Ecosystem has built its foundation strongly in the Forex, Stocks, Trading and Investment Industry, a market size of over USD$5 Trillion. Secondly, there needs to be a scarcity of the coin in order to create a deeper and stronger demand for the coin, Kachingcoins will be non-minable with only 247 000 000 KAC being released. Finally, there has to be a definite potential for market space expansion. Kaching Ecosystem already consists of KachingGlobal (Social Trading Platform), KachingBroker, KachingExchange (Crypto Exchange), KachingAcademy (Trading and Financial Training Institutes), Kaching R&D Lab (Future Fintech Products and current EA’s and AI’s) and of course Kachingcoins (KAC) the center and source of power of the Kaching Ecosystem.
In the future we will expand into further places of investment and capital growth, to truly become the Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain, this to provide tremendous value for each and every participant of the Kaching ICO.
In this series of blog posts, we have compiled a list of basic questions, which an ICO investor needs to ask before considering investing in any ICO. We will be exploring each point in detail through further blog posts.
About Kaching
Financial freedom is the one constant when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money due to making desperate and emotional choices with their hard-earned savings in order to get ahead in life. They also lose big because of the ambiguity and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. Within these centralized institutions, the share of information is ineffective and third-party manipulation is endemic. KachingCoin was developed with one goal in mind, to create a global decentralized and transparent network for the people, to diversify investment and secure their financial freedom. Explore KachingCoin, the Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.
Kaching Coins(KAC) will be sole mechanism for transferring value within the ecosystem-breathing life in all subsystems and micro-ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem- We create value for both the investor and user of KAC. Kaching Coins is truly the most utilizable token. With a finished product ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the world’s most complete investment ecosystem, powered by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and excellent ideas based on a system that directly opens up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, this company wants to realize and help investors to worry more about the economic weakness that many are suffering in the world in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this blockchain. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be the moment when most registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will be in business.
Solution To Market Need
1. Transparency, Accountability, Safety, Security, Speed, and Trust.
So, how does Blockchain answer to the needs of Transparency, Accountability, Safety, Security, Speed, and Trust? To answer this question, let's look at the following diagram first :
2. Faster and Easier Deposit and Withdrawal Methods.
Especially within developing countries, there is an inherent need for easy deposit and withdrawal services. Using Kaching Tokens, Powered by Blockchain, and the combination of local deposit and another smart pay system, deposit and withdrawal have never been easier. It is safe, secure, trackable and fully transparent.
3. The Client.
Kaching has identified three keys Client Archetype; Broker, Investor and Fund Manager (Traders) Understanding the needs of Client Archetype, we have skillfully adapted our services to answer to these essential.
The Broker.
Brokers will be welcome to create their our company profiles on the Kaching Social Trading Platform. Here they will able to reach the bigger market and communicated easily to potential traders even IB's.
The Investor.
Any user of any Social Media Platform can tell you that user Interface and Usability of the software are crucial to User Experience and Platform Functional. The ability to easily search (Info and Funds), Allocate (Info and Capital), and Share (Info and Experience) are therefore some of the most important priorities when thinking of the "Investor's Experience".
Kaching Ecosystem
The Kaching Ecosystem will become the complete investment ecosystem powered by Blockchain, which provides tremendous value for each and another participant. The Kaching Coin (KAC) will be the center and the source of power of the ecosystem. Each individual section will also fairy contribute to the appreciation of KAC value.
Why Kaching Is Different And Better,, and are just a drop in the proverbial water bucket of the online website with an article claiming that cryptocurrency is faster, more secure, and more convenient than any other contenders out there. Powered by blockchain, this is claiming ka-ching is confidently prove as we progress to become the complete trading and investment ecosystem in the world.
Kaching will sport a variety of trading product. With 160 trading instrument in 7 categories; Forex, Stocks, Indices, Metal, Energy, Cryptocurrency, and Agriculture, Kaching will be one of the most, diversified trading platform in the world. Combine that with the other service we provide; Brokerage, Exchange, Payment System, Banking and Wallet Solutions, Fund and Venture Capital, Social Trading and R&D, Kaching will truly become the Silk Route of Financial Trading in the 21st Century.
Kaching Coins-The Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered By Blockchain
Why KachingCoins?
Financial freedom is the one constant when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money due to making desperate and emotional choices with their hard-earned savings in order to get ahead in life. They also lose big because of the ambiguity and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. Within these centralized institutions, the share of information is ineffective and third-party manipulation is endemic. KachingCoins was developed with one goal in mind, to create a global decentralized and transparent network for the people, to diversify investment and secure their financial freedom. Explore KachingCoins, the Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.
“The main reason why Kaching is so intrinsically different than most ICO’s out there is the fact that our ecosystem was built to bring value to the token. We already have a product and we have a client base who will utilize the token throughout the Ecosystem. It is already growing! It is inevitable!“- Stephan Roos.
Ready To Use
- Millions of dollar already invested in platforms of the ecosystem.
- World-Wide Community
- More than 100,000,000 investors around the globe.
- Huge Market Cap
- 20 trillion dollar market size of investment instruments.
Sale of Token (KAC)
Every change in this company has a very special commercial value. Facilitating potential investors is one of the things that CryptoCurrency companies should classify in the world, but it provides clear and detailed details and at the same time represents a roadmap that determines whether the company truly values the future investor. potential. If you are looking for a place to negotiate a market in currency markets, this is the solution you can take as one of the main options of the cryptographic trading market based on the blockchain platform. It comes with the latest blockchain platform technology KACHING COINS Market is one of the great benefits for shareholders' profit and is one of the crypto exchanges through market democracy system. It is not just that KACHING COINS Here, as a place to trade by cryptography, there is a better explanatory advantage than other markets.
Allocation of Funds
Most current of Trading Platforms will not be able to offer you the option to diversify your fund's allocation when it comes to investing in multiple trading instruments. With the kaching ecosystem, you will be able to allocate your capital into different investment streams so as to manage your risks better and not have all your capital in one proverbial egg basket. Diversity and investment customization is part of what Kaching wants to offer to the market.
Tokenization and Bonus program
Token Standart - Ethereum ERC 20 Token
Token Name - Kaching Coin (KAC) Screenshot (36).png
Decimal - 18**
Number of Token - 247.000.000
Kaching coin (KAC) serves as a mechanism for transferring value in the Kaching Ecosystem. 50% of the total amount of token will be released in the Pre-ICO and ICO Phase.
Project Timeline
2015 – 2017: Project Foundation
Idea creation, team forming, Kaching Global Fintech Ltd. was founded in London, UK. Company number 11095157
Feb 2018: Token Private Sales
Private round of token distribution for early adopters with 66% bonus in the amount of only 2 weeks
Mar 2018: Token Private Sales
The first and second open rounds for token release. Each round lasts for 2 weeks only. Buy with 33% bonus.
Apr 2018: Pre ICO
The main 4 rounds of token release for the public. Each round lasts for 2 weeks only. Buy with 25% bonus
May 2018: ICO
Kaching Coin (KAC) started to be listed in internal and global exchanges, facilitate trading.
Sep 2018: Grand Launching
Social Trading Platform, the first key element in the ecosystem where investors, traders, IBs share profit with each other
Q1, 2019: Massive Funds And Users
Bringing in world-class funds dramatically increases the profitability of the investors and the total value of the ecosystem
Later On: The Complete Ecosystem
Develop Academy, RnD Lab, Whole ecosystem and start sharing dividends to token holders.
- Stephan Roos - Investor Relationship Director
- Simon Mark - Social Trading Expert/Co-founder
- Derek Sandheinrich - Fintech Expert/ Co-founder
- Tahsin Haykal - Fintech Expert/ Co-founder
- Kevin Millien - Brokerage Expert/ Advisor
- Tung Phan - HR Specialist/ Advisor
- James Thai - Tech Expert/ Advisor
For More About This ICO, Visit :
Jumat, 04 Mei 2018
If you want to invest in the Initial coin offering (ICO) program then I have a very good ICO info for you to follow that is KachingCoin - The most utilizable coin on Blockchain. For more details about this Project let us discuss together same. Before we get into a discussion over the KachingCoin ICOs, it is important to have some historical context for how the ICO work.
An Initial Coin Offering, also commonly referred to as an ICO, is a fundraising mechanism in which new projects sell their underlying crypto tokens in exchange for bitcoin and ether. It’s somewhat similar to an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in which investors purchase shares of a company.
ICOs have quickly become a dominant topic of discussion within the blockchain community. ICOs are easy to structure because of technologies like the ERC20 Token Standard, which abstracts a lot of the development process necessary to create a new cryptographic asset.
What is Kaching Coins?
Kaching Coins(KAC) will be sole mechanism for transferring value within the ecosystem-breathing life in all subsystems and micro-ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem- We create value for both the investor and user of KAC. Kaching Coins is truly the most utilizable token. With a finished product ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the world’s most complete investment ecosystem, powered by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and excellent ideas based on a system that directly opens up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, this company wants to realize and help investors to worry more about the economic weakness that many are suffering in the world in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this block chain. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be the moment when most registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will be in business.
Answer the terms and conditions on the Kaching platform is a source of income that will ensure the balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability greater than the return on investment capital, symbolic sales will be more common among investors who want to make a profit on this platform. Being able to contact the following projects is a huge effort in a legal and safe project for trading tobacco products and tokens in the pulp and paper industry, starting to work and performing a balanced analysis system in one of your own tactics and ideas directed by many investors. Kachinga decentralized platform for blocking, which is aimed at creating investments that affect the positive side of managing the funds that will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.
March 31st marks the advent of KachingCoins’ pre-ICO sale. Having years of experience in Stocks and Forex trading and investment, also Business Development, the founders of Kaching have done extensive research on how to build a Sustainable and Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem for Kachingcoins to be utilized and flourish. We have analyzed hundreds of ICO projects, the good ones, the bad ones, and the downright ugly ones. Knowing what works and applying our expertise and skills in a market we are famous for, we are confident that we have built the best ecosystem out there.
In a recent interview with Vitalik Buterin done at the ETHWaterloo hackathon held in Canada, he stated that more than 80% of ICO’s or ERC20 tokens launched on the Ethereum Platform will most likely fail. One of the major reasons for this failure is the lack of a sustainable business model (Ecosystem and no way to really utilize the coin in the ecosystem. Having a solid understanding of what Buterin said, Kaching has managed to design and create the perfect ecosystem for Kachingcoins.
Consider fiat currency, the time of the gold standard has been long gone, and the only reason fiat currency has got value is believe it has value, supply demand, and of course, a marketplace where it can be utilized. For a token or ICO to be sustainable it needs a few key underlying uses to be valuable. It needs a strong Ecosystem, a marketplace where the coin can be utilized, not just strong, but also large. Kaching Ecosystem has built its foundation strongly in the Forex, Stocks, Trading and Investment Industry, a market size of over USD$5 Trillion. Secondly, there needs to be a scarcity of the coin in order to create a deeper and stronger demand for the coin, Kachingcoins will be non-minable with only 247 000 000 KAC being released. Finally, there has to be a definite potential for market space expansion. Kaching Ecosystem already consists of KachingGlobal (Social Trading Platform), KachingBroker, KachingExchange (Crypto Exchange), KachingAcademy (Trading and Financial Training Institutes), Kaching R&D Lab (Future Fintech Products and current EA’s and AI’s) and of course Kachingcoins (KAC) the center and source of power of the Kaching Ecosystem.
In the future we will expand into further places of investment and capital growth, to truly become the Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain, this to provide tremendous value for each and every participant of the Kaching ICO.
They Give convenience to potential investors is one of the things that can be classified by the enterprise encryption in the world, but give me the details clear and detailed and at the same time are the road maps that determine what enterprises notice of investor in the future or not potential.
It Is equipped with a technology platform blockchain Kaching latest. And become one of the market currency of commercial exchange and cryptography through a system of democratic market have big profits for the profit of shareholders.
It Is equipped with a technology platform blockchain Kaching latest. And become one of the market currency of commercial exchange and cryptography through a system of democratic market have big profits for the profit of shareholders.
The system They use analog its platform to support the process of negotiating the types of assets outside of the ordinary particular. In addition, this platform also uses the currency of the crypto itself,
known as a trade Token. Kaching is a trading platform based on new methods of blockchain successful show market and alter the function of ecosystems financial
The developers hope to create target liquidity large to support the operation of the Token to help the owner of the token.
The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in converting many of the assets associated with the technology of the blockchain. Once You've decided to join the site by this negotiation,
I am sure that the blessing of the experience and the ideas creative of the founder, You can continue to invest and initiate exchange or exchange, which of course,
The future of the platform Kaching as the first Platform-a generation that offers a solution to the problem of investors not being able to accurately time, and every time a change in the market encryption variable or high and the lowest common from the price of the cryptographic make this platform user potential .
They're ready to receive notifications automatically on software mobile their. the world, without leaving the role. The aim is to create an ecosystem that concept the benefits of reciprocity
between traders and consumers, as well as a platform that can permanently contribute on the stability of income. To overcome the problems facing most investors, Kaching take a decision, offer the solution of intelligent platform that helps productivity and easy access to Your account.
known as a trade Token. Kaching is a trading platform based on new methods of blockchain successful show market and alter the function of ecosystems financial
The developers hope to create target liquidity large to support the operation of the Token to help the owner of the token.
The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in converting many of the assets associated with the technology of the blockchain. Once You've decided to join the site by this negotiation,
I am sure that the blessing of the experience and the ideas creative of the founder, You can continue to invest and initiate exchange or exchange, which of course,
The future of the platform Kaching as the first Platform-a generation that offers a solution to the problem of investors not being able to accurately time, and every time a change in the market encryption variable or high and the lowest common from the price of the cryptographic make this platform user potential .
They're ready to receive notifications automatically on software mobile their. the world, without leaving the role. The aim is to create an ecosystem that concept the benefits of reciprocity
between traders and consumers, as well as a platform that can permanently contribute on the stability of income. To overcome the problems facing most investors, Kaching take a decision, offer the solution of intelligent platform that helps productivity and easy access to Your account.
Because of a change in the exchange digital assets at the beginning of the beginning of this year a little rose sharp,then there is a project decentral that have value beneficial for investors will grow rapidly in the world.
One of the definitions of this network is to use a theme that is very unique compared with other platforms available in the world.
because they have the balance and the process of investment and have some profit greater than the capital in the ease before sale assets they do.
because they have the balance and the process of investment and have some profit greater than the capital in the ease before sale assets they do.
Kaching is the platform of the blockade, which for the first time introduced the idea of creative unique at the market of symbolic economy economy, that can start trading directly and on the platform for the exchange of digital assets.
Kaching is one of the results of the expansion of the industry blockbuster who have experienced the performance of good and great ideas based on the system directly open opportunity for investors to be more open with the investment symbolic.
Be one of the platform the first platform to be produced, this company want to create and help investors to worry more about the economic disadvantages that many suffer in the world in the concept of reciprocal help as an investment that can be changed by the user registered in the chain of this block. Some Important Points from the Platform of Kaching This will be the moment when most of the investors listed or candidate investors which start their business on this platform will be in answer terms and conditions on the platform of Kaching is a source of income that will ensure the value of the balanced of the ecosystem that is mutually beneficial between the buyer and the seller.
In this case, if the investors are economic concepts that have a probability of on average greater than the return on capital investment, the sale of the symbolic will be more common among investors who want to get profit on this platform.
Able contact projects following this is a huge effort in the project legal and safe to trade in tobacco products and tokens in the industry of pulp and paper,
start working and do the system analysis is balanced in one of the tactics and ideas of Your own which are directed by many investors.
start working and do the system analysis is balanced in one of the tactics and ideas of Your own which are directed by many investors.
Kachingplatform decentral to block, which aims at creating investment that influence the positive side of the management of the funds will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.
Kaching presented at the beginning of the year at the enterprise encryption commercial that has characteristics of a certain, with a lot of market and crypt commercial high today that dominate the market.
Kaching presented at the beginning of the year at the enterprise encryption commercial that has characteristics of a certain, with a lot of market and crypt commercial high today that dominate the market.
for more information on kachingcoins please visit our official website here
By: kejodak
Account Btt:;u=1858727 |
Kamis, 03 Mei 2018
If you want to invest in the Initial coin offering (ICO) program then I have a very good ICO info for you to follow that is KachingCoin - The most utilizable coin on Blockchain. For more details about this Project let us discuss together same. Before we get into a discussion over the KachingCoin ICOs, it is important to have some historical context for how the ICO work.
An Initial Coin Offering, also commonly referred to as an ICO, is a fundraising mechanism in which new projects sell their underlying crypto tokens in exchange for bitcoin and ether. It’s somewhat similar to an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in which investors purchase shares of a company.
ICOs have quickly become a dominant topic of discussion within the blockchain community. ICOs are easy to structure because of technologies like the ERC20 Token Standard, which abstracts a lot of the development process necessary to create a new cryptographic asset.
What is Kaching Coins?
Kaching Coins(KAC) will be sole mechanism for transferring value within the ecosystem-breathing life in all subsystems and micro-ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem- We create value for both the investor and user of KAC. Kaching Coins is truly the most utilizable token. With a finished product ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the world’s most complete investment ecosystem, powered by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and excellent ideas based on a system that directly opens up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, this company wants to realize and help investors to worry more about the economic weakness that many are suffering in the world in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this block chain. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be the moment when most registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will be in business.
Answer the terms and conditions on the Kaching platform is a source of income that will ensure the balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability greater than the return on investment capital, symbolic sales will be more common among investors who want to make a profit on this platform. Being able to contact the following projects is a huge effort in a legal and safe project for trading tobacco products and tokens in the pulp and paper industry, starting to work and performing a balanced analysis system in one of your own tactics and ideas directed by many investors. Kachinga decentralized platform for blocking, which is aimed at creating investments that affect the positive side of managing the funds that will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.
March 31st marks the advent of KachingCoins’ pre-ICO sale. Having years of experience in Stocks and Forex trading and investment, also Business Development, the founders of Kaching have done extensive research on how to build a Sustainable and Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem for Kachingcoins to be utilized and flourish. We have analyzed hundreds of ICO projects, the good ones, the bad ones, and the downright ugly ones. Knowing what works and applying our expertise and skills in a market we are famous for, we are confident that we have built the best ecosystem out there.
In a recent interview with Vitalik Buterin done at the ETHWaterloo hackathon held in Canada, he stated that more than 80% of ICO’s or ERC20 tokens launched on the Ethereum Platform will most likely fail. One of the major reasons for this failure is the lack of a sustainable business model (Ecosystem and no way to really utilize the coin in the ecosystem. Having a solid understanding of what Buterin said, Kaching has managed to design and create the perfect ecosystem for Kachingcoins.
Consider fiat currency, the time of the gold standard has been long gone, and the only reason fiat currency has got value is believe it has value, supply demand, and of course, a marketplace where it can be utilized. For a token or ICO to be sustainable it needs a few key underlying uses to be valuable. It needs a strong Ecosystem, a marketplace where the coin can be utilized, not just strong, but also large. Kaching Ecosystem has built its foundation strongly in the Forex, Stocks, Trading and Investment Industry, a market size of over USD$5 Trillion.
What is Kaching Coins?
Kaching Coins(KAC) will be sole mechanism for transferring value within the ecosystem-breathing life in all subsystems and micro-ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem- We create value for both the investor and user of KAC. Kaching Coins is truly the most utilizable token. With a finished product ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the world’s most complete investment ecosystem, powered by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and excellent ideas based on a system that directly opens up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, this company wants to realize and help investors to worry more about the economic weakness that many are suffering in the world in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this block chain. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be the moment when most registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will be in business.
Answer the terms and conditions on the Kaching platform is a source of income that will ensure the balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability greater than the return on investment capital, symbolic sales will be more common among investors who want to make a profit on this platform. Being able to contact the following projects is a huge effort in a legal and safe project for trading tobacco products and tokens in the pulp and paper industry, starting to work and performing a balanced analysis system in one of your own tactics and ideas directed by many investors. Kachinga decentralized platform for blocking, which is aimed at creating investments that affect the positive side of managing the funds that will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.
March 31st marks the advent of KachingCoins’ pre-ICO sale. Having years of experience in Stocks and Forex trading and investment, also Business Development, the founders of Kaching have done extensive research on how to build a Sustainable and Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem for Kachingcoins to be utilized and flourish. We have analyzed hundreds of ICO projects, the good ones, the bad ones, and the downright ugly ones. Knowing what works and applying our expertise and skills in a market we are famous for, we are confident that we have built the best ecosystem out there.
In a recent interview with Vitalik Buterin done at the ETHWaterloo hackathon held in Canada, he stated that more than 80% of ICO’s or ERC20 tokens launched on the Ethereum Platform will most likely fail. One of the major reasons for this failure is the lack of a sustainable business model (Ecosystem and no way to really utilize the coin in the ecosystem. Having a solid understanding of what Buterin said, Kaching has managed to design and create the perfect ecosystem for Kachingcoins.
Consider fiat currency, the time of the gold standard has been long gone, and the only reason fiat currency has got value is believe it has value, supply demand, and of course, a marketplace where it can be utilized. For a token or ICO to be sustainable it needs a few key underlying uses to be valuable. It needs a strong Ecosystem, a marketplace where the coin can be utilized, not just strong, but also large. Kaching Ecosystem has built its foundation strongly in the Forex, Stocks, Trading and Investment Industry, a market size of over USD$5 Trillion.
Secondly, there needs to be a scarcity of the coin in order to create a deeper and stronger demand for the coin, Kachingcoins will be non-minable with only 247 000 000 KAC being released. Finally, there has to be a definite potential for market space expansion. Kaching Ecosystem already consists of KachingGlobal (Social Trading Platform), KachingBroker, KachingExchange (Crypto Exchange), KachingAcademy (Trading and Financial Training Institutes), Kaching R&D Lab (Future Fintech Products and current EA’s and AI’s) and of course Kachingcoins (KAC) the center and source of power of the Kaching Ecosystem.
In the future we will expand into further places of investment and capital growth, to truly become the Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain, this to provide tremendous value for each and every participant of the Kaching ICO.
They Give convenience to potential investors is one of the things that can be classified by the enterprise encryption in the world, but give me the details clear and detailed and at the same time are the road maps that determine what enterprises notice of investor in the future or not potential.
It Is equipped with a technology platform blockchain Kaching latest. And become one of the market currency of commercial exchange and cryptography through a system of democratic market have big profits for the profit of shareholders.
The system They use analog its platform to support the process of negotiating the types of assets outside of the ordinary particular. In addition, this platform also uses the currency of the crypto itself,
known as a trade Token. Kaching is a trading platform based on new methods of blockchain successful show market and alter the function of ecosystems financial
The developers hope to create target liquidity large to support the operation of the Token to help the owner of the token.
The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in converting many of the assets associated with the technology of the blockchain. Once You've decided to join the site by this negotiation,
I am sure that the blessing of the experience and the ideas creative of the founder, You can continue to invest and initiate exchange or exchange, which of course,
The future of the platform Kaching as the first Platform-a generation that offers a solution to the problem of investors not being able to accurately time, and every time a change in the market encryption variable or high and the lowest common from the price of the cryptographic make this platform user potential .
They're ready to receive notifications automatically on software mobile their. the world, without leaving the role. The aim is to create an ecosystem that concept the benefits of reciprocity
between traders and consumers, as well as a platform that can permanently contribute on the stability of income. To overcome the problems facing most investors, Kaching take a decision, offer the solution of intelligent platform that helps productivity and easy access to Your account.
Because of a change in the exchange digital assets at the beginning of the beginning of this year a little rose sharp,then there is a project decentral that have value beneficial for investors will grow rapidly in the world.
One of the definitions of this network is to use a theme that is very unique compared with other platforms available in the world.
because they have the balance and the process of investment and have some profit greater than the capital in the ease before sale assets they do.
Kaching is the platform of the blockade, which for the first time introduced the idea of creative unique at the market of symbolic economy economy, that can start trading directly and on the platform for the exchange of digital assets.
Kaching is one of the results of the expansion of the industry blockbuster who have experienced the performance of good and great ideas based on the system directly open opportunity for investors to be more open with the investment symbolic.
Be one of the platform the first platform to be produced, this company want to create and help investors to worry more about the economic disadvantages that many suffer in the world in the concept of reciprocal help as an investment that can be changed by the user registered in the chain of this block. Some Important Points from the Platform of Kaching This will be the moment when most of the investors listed or candidate investors which start their business on this platform will be in answer terms and conditions on the platform of Kaching is a source of income that will ensure the value of the balanced of the ecosystem that is mutually beneficial between the buyer and the seller.
In this case, if the investors are economic concepts that have a probability of on average greater than the return on capital investment, the sale of the symbolic will be more common among investors who want to get profit on this platform.
Able contact projects following this is a huge effort in the project legal and safe to trade in tobacco products and tokens in the industry of pulp and paper,
start working and do the system analysis is balanced in one of the tactics and ideas of Your own which are directed by many investors.
Kachingplatform decentral to block, which aims at creating investment that influence the positive side of the management of the funds will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.
Kaching presented at the beginning of the year at the enterprise encryption commercial that has characteristics of a certain, with a lot of market and crypt commercial high today that dominate the market.
Funds investment terdesentralisasi in the platform blocks to investors in the rest of the world is philosophy effective offered by this platform. With the vision and mission from the concept of mutual benefit between the owner of the project and the owner of the token.
Enterprise Kaching Become one of the enterprises of the great great success in the future. Trading in the world currency crypto never avoid the growth and collapse of fluctuations
the value of the currency and exchange the currency, it is something that is natural for the enterprises of the crypt, commercial, in addition, enterprises have no idea how creative the be able to of course,
the system does not invest in investment, that is the havoc that can be risk with the destruction of the enterprise.
With so many markets in the world kryptoscience this year, competitors from many enterprises which trade or commercial should have the characteristics and the creativity of the more unique,
this could be one of the achievements that can be achieved by a community of crypto-commercial.
Kaching is Enterprises that have commercial value and very special in every exchange. If You find a market as a place to negotiate money, this is a solution that You can take as one of the option key to market trading cryptography based on the platform of the blockchain.
ICO Detail
In the future we will expand into further places of investment and capital growth, to truly become the Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain, this to provide tremendous value for each and every participant of the Kaching ICO.
They Give convenience to potential investors is one of the things that can be classified by the enterprise encryption in the world, but give me the details clear and detailed and at the same time are the road maps that determine what enterprises notice of investor in the future or not potential.
It Is equipped with a technology platform blockchain Kaching latest. And become one of the market currency of commercial exchange and cryptography through a system of democratic market have big profits for the profit of shareholders.
The system They use analog its platform to support the process of negotiating the types of assets outside of the ordinary particular. In addition, this platform also uses the currency of the crypto itself,
known as a trade Token. Kaching is a trading platform based on new methods of blockchain successful show market and alter the function of ecosystems financial
The developers hope to create target liquidity large to support the operation of the Token to help the owner of the token.
The purpose of this platform is to become a leader in converting many of the assets associated with the technology of the blockchain. Once You've decided to join the site by this negotiation,
I am sure that the blessing of the experience and the ideas creative of the founder, You can continue to invest and initiate exchange or exchange, which of course,
The future of the platform Kaching as the first Platform-a generation that offers a solution to the problem of investors not being able to accurately time, and every time a change in the market encryption variable or high and the lowest common from the price of the cryptographic make this platform user potential .
They're ready to receive notifications automatically on software mobile their. the world, without leaving the role. The aim is to create an ecosystem that concept the benefits of reciprocity
between traders and consumers, as well as a platform that can permanently contribute on the stability of income. To overcome the problems facing most investors, Kaching take a decision, offer the solution of intelligent platform that helps productivity and easy access to Your account.
Because of a change in the exchange digital assets at the beginning of the beginning of this year a little rose sharp,then there is a project decentral that have value beneficial for investors will grow rapidly in the world.
One of the definitions of this network is to use a theme that is very unique compared with other platforms available in the world.
because they have the balance and the process of investment and have some profit greater than the capital in the ease before sale assets they do.
Kaching is the platform of the blockade, which for the first time introduced the idea of creative unique at the market of symbolic economy economy, that can start trading directly and on the platform for the exchange of digital assets.
Kaching is one of the results of the expansion of the industry blockbuster who have experienced the performance of good and great ideas based on the system directly open opportunity for investors to be more open with the investment symbolic.
Be one of the platform the first platform to be produced, this company want to create and help investors to worry more about the economic disadvantages that many suffer in the world in the concept of reciprocal help as an investment that can be changed by the user registered in the chain of this block. Some Important Points from the Platform of Kaching This will be the moment when most of the investors listed or candidate investors which start their business on this platform will be in answer terms and conditions on the platform of Kaching is a source of income that will ensure the value of the balanced of the ecosystem that is mutually beneficial between the buyer and the seller.
In this case, if the investors are economic concepts that have a probability of on average greater than the return on capital investment, the sale of the symbolic will be more common among investors who want to get profit on this platform.
Able contact projects following this is a huge effort in the project legal and safe to trade in tobacco products and tokens in the industry of pulp and paper,
start working and do the system analysis is balanced in one of the tactics and ideas of Your own which are directed by many investors.
Kachingplatform decentral to block, which aims at creating investment that influence the positive side of the management of the funds will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.
Kaching presented at the beginning of the year at the enterprise encryption commercial that has characteristics of a certain, with a lot of market and crypt commercial high today that dominate the market.
Funds investment terdesentralisasi in the platform blocks to investors in the rest of the world is philosophy effective offered by this platform. With the vision and mission from the concept of mutual benefit between the owner of the project and the owner of the token.
Enterprise Kaching Become one of the enterprises of the great great success in the future. Trading in the world currency crypto never avoid the growth and collapse of fluctuations
the value of the currency and exchange the currency, it is something that is natural for the enterprises of the crypt, commercial, in addition, enterprises have no idea how creative the be able to of course,
the system does not invest in investment, that is the havoc that can be risk with the destruction of the enterprise.
With so many markets in the world kryptoscience this year, competitors from many enterprises which trade or commercial should have the characteristics and the creativity of the more unique,
this could be one of the achievements that can be achieved by a community of crypto-commercial.
Kaching is Enterprises that have commercial value and very special in every exchange. If You find a market as a place to negotiate money, this is a solution that You can take as one of the option key to market trading cryptography based on the platform of the blockchain.
ICO Detail
Token standart : Ethereum ERC20 token
Token Name : KachingCoin ( KAC )
Decimal :18
Number of token : 247,000,000
Referral Program : receiving up to 10% when refer people to join.
Schedule through ICO

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